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Articles Published in Newsletters

Wendish History

Wendish Culture

Wendish Families

The Protestant Sorbs (Wends)

(from Newsletter no. 45 - March 2013)

Traditional Wendish costumes

(from Newsletter no. 47 – March 2014)

Researching the Huppatz family

(from Newsletter no. 52 – July 2016)

How the Wendish language was lost

(from Newsletter no. 54 – July 2017)

Our Wendish costumes

(from Newsletter no. 51 – March 2016)

Kollosche family – 160th anniversary

(from Newsletter no. 50 – July 2015)

Who are the Wends

(from Newsletter no. 46 – July 2013)

Sorbs or Wends?

(from Newsletter no. 55 – March 2018)

Kollosche Visit to Werben Spreewald

(from Andrew Kollosche)

My visit to Lusatia

(from Newsletter no. 53 – March 2017)

Wendish custom of multiple surnames

(from Newsletter no. 51 – March 2016)

The Lokan Journey

(from Newsletter no. 64 – August 2022)

German Wends in World War One

(from Newsletter no. 55 – March 2018)

Wendish/Sorbian Nationalism -
Their Anthem and Flag

(from Newsletter no. 49 – March 2015)

The Duldig Family

(from Newsletter no. 65 – March 2023)

Anti-German feelings during the
Great War

(from Newsletter no. 57 – February 2019)

Recipes from Lusatia

(from Newsletter no. 47 – March 2014)

The Lowke Family

(from Newsletter no. 66 – July 2023)

Stories of Australian Wendish Soldiers

(from Newsletter no. 58 – June 2019)

Saxon recipes

(from Newsletter no. 48 – July 2014)


(from Newsletter no. 67 – March 2024)

My Journey to Niederlausitz

(from Newsletter no. 61 - Apr 2021)

Stars and Finials

(from Newsletter no. 48 – July 2014)

A Family divided –
Emigrants to Two Continents

(from Newsletter no. 68 – June 2024)

Gerald Stone, Slav Outposts in
Central European History

(from Newsletter no. 52 - July 2016)

More Finials at St Kitts

(from Newsletter no. 49 – March 2015)

Beginnings of our Society

(from Newsletter no. 65 - March 2023)

Wendish composer, Korla Awgust Kocor

(from Newsletter no. 60 - Oct 2020)

Trip to Bethel and Kapunda

(from Newsletter no. 66 - July 2023)

Mrs Lillie Caldwell
an early Wendish researcher

(from Newsletter no. 67 - March 2024)

Emigrants from Werben to Australia

(from Newsletter no. 67 - March 2024)

Pastor Kappler
honoured at Mt Gambier

(from Newsletter no. 68 - June 2024)